GReD is among the co-founders of NExT4Things (N4T), that is a “Rete d’impresa”, i.e. a network of companies acting as an unified legal entity. N4T involves ten companies with activities/expertise related to the Internet of Things (IoT), all hosted at the Science and Technology Park ComoNExT.
N4T has the objective of fostering, guiding and realizing (facilitating) the digital transformation of products and processes of enterprises, by using IoT as enabling technology.

GReD è tra i co-fondatori della rete d’impresa NExT4Things (N4T), che coinvolge dieci realtà legate all’Internet of Things (IoT) insediate nel Parco Scientifico e Tecnologico ComoNExT
N4T ha l’obiettivo di stimolare, accompagnare e realizzare (facilitare) la trasformazione digitale dei prodotti e dei processi nelle imprese, utilizzando l’IoT come abilitatore.

2016-05-26T14:45:02+02:00Tags: |
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